
Who should attend Coles Training Courses?

Our training is possible at many levels. Rick has trained from entry level to senior management in his career. More recently he has been involved in middle to senior management. The subject content will be determined by the clients’ needs and requests.

Where has he trained?

Rick has trained in 50 countries last count! That is about 25% of the world’s countries. A calculation results in Rick training and consulting with over 250,000 people over the world and not counting on his radio and media work.

What is his methodology?

He believes in taking CARETM with your training budget in order to increase and enhance your employees KASH! What does this mean?

C = Comprehension

A= Application

R = Results

E = Excellence

So, putting it together, he believes in taking CARE of your training investment by ensuring Comprehensive understanding to ensure Application of the training to the workplace, which should provide Results Excellence to the organization.

In order to do that we need to increase their personal KASH. What does that mean?

K = Knowledge

A= Attitude

S = Skills

H= Habits

How will we do it?

Learning will be through a combination of trainer led instruction, audio-visual materials, group work, role plays, case studies, and student participation in group discussions, simulation games, diagnostic exercises, and feedback questions. The goal is to lead the participants towards learning objectives. The program will be delivered in a training atmosphere that encourages two-way communication in a non-threatening, ‘open’ and enjoyable environment. Rick believes that FUN is one of the FUNdamentals to training.

The training programs will meet the learning needs because of the interaction and group participation that will be required from each participant. As we work in a relaxed and non-threatening manner, each participant can adjust and warm to the learning atmosphere in their own way. Everything that trainees do or say has relevance and trainer comments and suggestions will be given. We will encourage natural learning methods where their work situations will be brought into the training wherever possible with role-plays, references to their own experiences, and of course their trainers experience. All training will have a direct relevance and association with their work.

PowerPoint slides and handouts will be produced to cover above topics for discussion purposes.

In addition to PowerPoint presentations and group discussions, we use various case studies from various industry and background. These will be a means to “APPLY” and practice in a learning atmosphere, and in order to experience some of the Learning Outcome and Objectives. Learning points and skills practiced will be highlighted.


A selection prepared to support the subject from reputable sources such as HBR, Sloan, Wharton School of Business, National University of Singapore, various media, etc.

A list of current books on the subject will be provided to each participant.

The learner will be provided with:

Access to an environment conducive to learning, multimedia, handouts, reading materials, flip charts, classroom discussion, visual aids and role-play camera and video playback where necessary.

Resource Requirements

Facilities and equipment

To train professionally the location of instruction will require:

  • Black / whiteboard or Smart Board
  • Overhead projector
  • PowerPoint / large screen
  • VDU ( Visual Display Unit)
  • Good quality sound speakers
  • Flip charts and paper
  • Access to VCR, movie camera or anything else if applicable
  • Facility for group ‘breakouts’ and work groups
  • Proper ventilation
  • No disturbance
  • Adequate space for each participant

Will be listed at end of course materials. Plus, various article, magazines, casual readings, and reflections.

Meeting the needs of the Workplace

Many management and leadership subjects, like many skills, seem simple in theory but are, in reality, quite involved. Rick’s job is to unravel the MUST KNOW from the NICE To Know. To make it easily understandable and meaningful to each participant. He is able to recognise situations and opportunities to save time and use each training hour to the fullest affect thereby again adding value to your training / development investment. He will also take the time to get to know your organization, read your site and know about your culture and local conditions that prevail. It is also helpful to have a brief background on each participant.

He will determine the exact needs of the organizations he is going to work with, and then assemble the correct information from his current library of material and research. As well, Rick’s ‘internationalist’ approach means he will bring to the local classroom where he is working, international or global perspectives. He visits a number of global and well known companies to gain that perspective. As well, he reads and researches to make sure his work remains both credible and relevant.

Delivery And Evidence

His programs will be delivered in a training atmosphere that encourages two-way communication in a non-threatening, ‘open’ environment. The training program will meet the learning needs because of the interaction and group participation that will be required from each participant. As we work in a relaxed and non-threatening manner, each participant can adjust and warm to the learning atmosphere in their own way. Everything that trainees do or say has relevance and trainer comments and suggestions will be given. We will encourage natural learning methods where their work situation will be brought into the training wherever possible with role-plays, references to their own experiences, and of course their trainers experience. All training will have a direct relevance and association with their work. The goal is to lead the participants towards learning objectives.

An old eastern proverb to sum up Rick’s approach to training is:

“I hear and forget, I see and remember, but I do and understand.”